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Useful links for parents

Cramlington Village Primary School

Bowmont Drive, Eastfield Lea, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 2SN

01670 735177

Academy Trust and Trustees

CVPS is managed by an Academy Trust who are committed to providing the best school for our children.

We are currently looking for volunteers to become part of our Board of Trustees. If you are interested in finding out more, please email

The CVPS Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee, with Articles of Association.

The Trust has two layers of governance:

1) The CVPS Academy Trust members

Members hold the trust board to account for the effective governance of the trust but have a minimal role in the actual running of the trust.

A key responsibility is the appointment/removal of trustees.  

Members need to be satisfied that the standard of governance is high.

Members safeguard the governance of the trust and seek assurance that governance is effective.

Members have responsibility for ensuring that the academy trust’s charitable objective, which may be summarised as ‘advancing education for the public benefit’ is being met.  

Members should question if the board of trustees is ensuring:

  • Governance is strong.
  • Pupils are making expected progress and reaching the required levels of attainment.
  • Robust financial oversight.

Members must remain informed about the work of the trustees but not actively seek to participate in it.


  • Sign the memorandum and articles of association
  • Determine the name of the Trust
  • Appoint members and trustees
  • Appoint and remove the auditors
  • Are entitled to receive a copy of the annual report and accounts
  • Meet once a year at an annual general meeting
  • Address trustee board under-performance
  • If the Trust is failing, in conjunction with the DfE, dissolve the Trust.

To hold the trustee board to account, at the AGM members should receive a report on governance, answering the following questions:

  • Does the trust board reflect the ethos and values of the trust?
  • Is the trust board effectively fulfilling its core governance functions?
  • Is there a clear vision for the trust and is progress being made against the strategic aims being pursued to realise this vision?
  • Is financial oversight sound?
  • How well does the trust board know the school and how are the needs of the school being met?
  • How engaged are stakeholders and is this reflected in the reputation of the trust and the decisions of the board?
  • Are the right people around the trust board table and are there any skills gaps?
  • Has the trust invested in a governance professional?
  • Is there evidence to show that the charitable objectives of the trust are being met and that the governance of the trust is effective?
  • Has the trust board reviewed its own performance and have members received a copy of the governance review report? What does it tell them and what is being done as a result?

2) The board of trustees

Trustees work together to carry out their core functions:

  1.     ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2.     holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
  3.     overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent

Trustees are responsible for governing a charitable company and directing how it is managed and run. Trustees must also ensure that the school complies with all legal and statutory requirements.

The trust board works closely with the Principal.  The Principal is responsible for day-to-day operational management of the school, whereas the role of the board is strategic. As such, trustees are responsible for:

  • determining the mission, values and long-term ambitious vision for the school 
  • deciding the principles that guide school policies and approving key policies
  • appointing and appraising the Principal and making pay recommendations
  • working with senior leaders to develop a strategy for achieving the vision 
  • ensuring that stakeholders are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate
  • ensuring that the school delivers a broad and balanced curriculum such that pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education and adult life
  • taking ownership of the school’s financial sustainability and ensuring effective resource management across the school
  • agreeing the school’s staffing structure and keeping it under review to ensure it supports delivery of the strategy
  • ensuring robust risk management policy and procedures are in place and that risk control measures are appropriate and effective 

Trustees must monitor the priorities that have been set to ensure progress is being made by:

  • measuring the school’s impact and progress towards its strategic objectives
  • ensuring the required policies and procedures are in place and the school is operating effectively in line with these policies
  • holding the Principal to account for standards, financial probity and compliance with agreed policies
  • evaluating relevant data and feedback provided by the SLT and external reporting on all aspects of school performance
  • asking challenging questions of the Principal in order to hold them to account
  • ensuring that there are policies and procedures in place to deal with complaints effectively

Trustees should ensure that they are making a positive and meaningful contribution to the board by:

  1. attending meetings, reading papers and preparing questions for the Principal in advance
  2. establishing and maintaining professional relationships with the SLT and colleagues on the board of trustees
  3. getting to know the school, including visiting occasionally during school hours
  4. undertaking induction training and developing knowledge and skills on an ongoing basis

CVPS Academy Trust - further information

CVPS Academy Trust consists of the following members:

  •  Dan Tobin. Date appointed: 5th March 2014
  •  Alison Malcolm. Date appointed: 31st January 2016
  • Patsie Beaton. Date appointed: 26th March 2023
  •  Ian Wylie. Date appointed: 18th July 2016. Date resigned: effective 26th July 2023

Declarations of Interest

Dan Tobin. Business/Pecuniary or Conflicts of Interest: Child at school

Alison Malcolm. Business/Pecuniary or Conflicts of Interest: None

Patsie Beaton. Business/Pecuniary or Conflicts of Interest: None

Documents relating to CVPS Academy Trust


Cramlington Village Primary Trust Meeting Attendance 2022-2023

Cramlington Village Primary Limited Funding AgreementCramlington Village Primary Limited Signed Accounts 2022Cramlington Village Primary School Memorandum and Articles of Association

CVPS board of Trustees - further information

A full list of Trustees for 2023-2024 is shown below, this link also leads to Personal and Business Interests:

CVPS Governing Board/Trustee Membership

The term of office is a period of four years, after which a trustee may be re-elected.

The attendance records for each trustee are available below. A signed copy of the register is available in school.

CVPS Governing Body Meeting Attendance 2023-2024

Sub Committees of the board of Trustees


Mark Atkinson: (Chair)

Education Committee (including admissions) Terms of Reference


Sarah Lister: (Chair)

 Resources Committee (including risk) Terms of Reference

Further documents relating to the Trustees can be found below:

Click here to download CVPS Scheme of Delegation 2021.pdf


Click here to download the Code of Conduct 2023

Governors Diversity Data 2023-24  


Cramlington Village Primary Ltd
Registered address: Cramlington Village Primary School, Bowmont Drive, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 2SN
Company number: 07575016
Telephone: 01670 735177 Website: